Category Archives: Antioch Bail Bonds

Proposition 57

Proposition 57

Traditionally, whenever a law or proposition is proposed that involves crime, it’s a move to actually create stricter laws and penalties. This is especially true when it comes to violent crimes and repeat offenders. In many cases, when you research the reasoning behind the proposal, you’ll discover that crime rates have been steadily increasing and […]

What To Expect If You Are Charged With Larceny In California

What To Expect If You Are Charged With Larceny In California

Larceny is the basic crime of theft in California. It is among the various crimes identified in California’s Penal Code, including larceny, robbery, burglary, carjacking, embezzlement, fraud and identity theft, that relate to the illegal act of stealing. Larceny is one of the most frequently seen charges in the California court system. The term larceny […]

California’s Stance On Battery Of A Police Officer

California’s Stance On Battery Of A Police Officer

Many people assume that assaulting an officer and the battery of a police officer are the same thing. They’re not. While the two terms are becoming increasingly interchangeable, when many of California’s laws were drafted, the term battery referred to a physical act that resulted in the victim sustaining an injury. As time passed, California’s […]

Aiding A Suicide In California

Aiding A Suicide In California

Assisted suicide has been a strongly debated topic in California and other parts of the world for several years. California legalized assisted suicide with the End of Life Option Act that took effect on June 9, 2016. While the law allows patients who are suffering from terminal illnesses to legally end their life rather than […]

Eavesdropping In California

Eavesdropping In California

Eavesdropping is something we’ve all done at some point in our lives. Normally, it involves staying quiet and remaining shrouded in mystery while we listen to someone discuss either ourselves or someone we know. In most cases, eavesdropping is fairly harmless, however, there are some circumstances where your penchant for eavesdropping could result in you […]

Concealing An Accidental Death In California

Concealing An Accidental Death In California

A story about a couple who lost their baby and failed to report the death made the headlines a short while ago. The original story included many twists and turns that had people shaking their heads. One of the questions many people asked after reading the story was if family members are legally obligated to […]

Teens Need To Be Smart While Partying This Halloween

Teens Need To Be Smart While Partying This Halloween

Everyone knows that the best parties happen on Halloween. There’s something about the combination of extreme sugar, spookiness and the strange cheerful zaniness of the season that makes the parties even more memorable. It’s why so many teens spend days learning about what Halloween parties are taking place and deciding which they’ll attend or skip. […]

How To Confirm That Candy Is Safe After Trick-or-Treating

How To Confirm That Candy Is Safe After Trick-or-Treating

Ever since 1974 when Ronald Clarke O’Brian gave his son Halloween candy that was laced with a fatal dose of poison, everyone has been worried about the possibility of their own child ingesting fatal candy. It’s easy to understand why parents are fearful. Kids are going door to door and stocking up. Some of the […]

Sleep-Deprived Driving

Sleep-Deprived Driving

Most of us have heard so much about the dangers of drinking and driving that we would never dream of sliding behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Yet, we seldom think twice about going for a drive while we’re tired. The truth is that while there aren’t any actual laws about sleep-deprived driving, the action […]

Earthquake Safety Tips

Earthquake Safety Tips

There are many great reasons to live in California. There’s also one huge drawback. In exchange for easy access to beaches and year-round wonderful weather, you always have to be prepared for an earthquake. The good news is that most of the earthquakes California experiences are really small, little more than slight tremors that give […]

Assaulting A School Employee With A Deadly Weapon

Assaulting A School Employee With A Deadly Weapon

Emotions can make all of us do things we normally wouldn’t consider doing. This is especially true when you’re dealing with a child or a person connected to your child’s life. High emotions have caused more than one parent to make a bad choice and assault a teacher or school employee. In most cases, these […]

Welfare Fraud In California

Welfare Fraud In California

The California welfare program is designed to provide some much-needed assistance to families and individuals who are struggling to stay financially afloat. The welfare program is a good program that has made it possible for good people to stay in their homes, provide for their families and get back on their feet. The problem is […]

Top Internet Scams

Top Internet Scams

Shortly after the internet was created, the internet scam was born. It’s amazing the number of different ways the internet has been used to scam different people. It seems like every single year, a new scam hits the virtual world and people start falling for it. While new internet scams are interesting and you should […]

Learning How To Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Learning How To Be Aware of Your Surroundings

In this day and age, you can’t afford to not be aware of your surroundings. It doesn’t matter if you’re strolling around the block near your home or walking across a busy parking lot after getting groceries, you must be aware of your surroundings. The world has become a dangerous place. Not only do you […]

California’s Child Neglect Laws

California’s Child Neglect Laws

California’s lawmakers don’t have any patience for parents (or others) who neglect children. The topic of child neglect in California is addressed in Penal Code 270 PC. The defines child neglect as a parent’s (or guardian’s) failure to provide the child with the basic necessities the child needs in order to live a reasonable quality […]