Category Archives: Concord Bail Bonds

Castle Doctrine in California

Castle Doctrine in California

Your home is the place where you should always feel safe, which is why crimes that include home invasions are so horrible. Lately, home invasions, the right to protect your home, and something California lawmakers refer to as Castle Doctrine have been getting a great deal of media attention. The reason these topics have been […]

What is Misappropriation of Public Funds

What is Misappropriation of Public Funds

People who enter into public office are expected to follow specific rules, especially when it comes to any money they handle that’s connected to their office. The failure to handle the money correctly is a direct violation of California’s Penal Code 424 PC. California’s Penal Code 424 PC specifically deals with misappropriation, which is the […]

Dangers of Sharing Prescription Medications

Dangers of Sharing Prescription Medications

When you hear that someone is suffering from a health problem, especially pain, it’s so easy to reach into your medicine cabinet and pull out whatever prescription you have on hand that you think will help them feel better. The reality is that unless you’re passing out over-the-counter medications, you should squash your urge and […]

Mistakes to Avoid Following a Hit and Run Accident in California

Mistakes to Avoid Following a Hit and Run Accident in California

Hit and run accidents are extremely serious. There are several mistakes you should avoid making when it comes to a hit-and-run accident. Fleeing the Scene The biggest mistake you should avoid making is getting involved in a hit-and-run accident. Accidents happen. And while it’s perfectly natural to want to flee the scene and pretend the […]

Providing False Credit Card Information

Providing False Credit Card Information

There are times when we could all use a little extra money. Adding an additional line of credit to our lives seems like a good way to get it. The problem is that if you’re already overstretched, the credit card companies will likely reject your application. This can prompt some of us to consider providing […]

Degrees of Arson Charges in California

Degrees of Arson Charges in California

Some states have different degrees of arson charges. The charges are the same as murder charges, with 3rd-degree arson being the least severe charge and first-degree arson carrying the biggest sentence. Things are different in California where there aren’t any varying degrees of arson charges. Instead of separating arson into three different degrees, at some […]

Animals Californians May Not Own

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Believe it or not, California has some of the strictest laws when it comes to pet ownership. For example, one cannot own a tiger in California, but can you believe it is legal to own one in other states? There are even some cute and furry little friends who are unwelcome as house pets. Whether […]

Take The Quiz: Do You Remember The Bill Of Rights?

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Let’s take a little history lesson, a rather important one. In grade school, we learn about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These rights have protected the people for over 200 years and continue to do so, so it is imperative for the people to know their rights and know if and when they are […]

What is Aggravated Battery in California?

What is Aggravated Battery in California?

Aggravated battery is a term that’s often thrown around in legal circles that many of us don’t fully understand. According to California law, aggravated battery is a crime that’s committed when your actions cause another to suffer a serious injury. Examples of this include: Deliberately tripping the victim and when they hit the ground, they […]

Using a False Compartment to Hide Drugs

Using a False Compartment to Hide Drugs

There is often a great deal of surprise when people are formally charged with crimes, in large part they find themselves facing charges that they didn’t even know existed. A perfect example of this is someone who has been arrested for drugs. It’s not uncommon for them to learn that in addition to possession of […]

What is a Corporal Injury?

What is a Corporal Injury?

Corporal injury is a term that we often hear in press releases and media stories. Most of us hear the term and assume that it means something serious happens, but when we stop and really think about it, few of us can actually say what a corporal injury really is. Corporal injuries really are as […]

What is Compounding a Crime in California?

What is Compounding a Crime in California?

You aren’t allowed to compound a crime in California. If you’re caught doing so, the legal ramifications will be severe. Compounding a crime is the act of taking something of value, such as money, for the specific purpose of hiding a crime from the police. Examples of this include taking money in exchange for hiding […]

Riding Your Bike While Under the Influence in California

Riding Your Bike While Under the Influence in California

The rising fuel costs are causing many of us to take a second look at our bikes. Now they not only seem like a pleasant way to stay in shape but also a viable way to ease transportation costs. Not only can you use your bike to get from your home to your workplace, but […]

What Parents Should Know About Fentanyl

What Parents Should Know About Fentanyl

Every parent should be worried about fentanyl. It’s showing up with increasing regularity in common street drugs. Unfortunately, the synthetic opioid is often missed with common street drugs because it’s a cheap way to increase the potency of other drugs. Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than plain heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. In […]

Jaywalking is Legal Again

Jaywalking is Legal Again

Did you know that you can legally jaywalk in California? That’s right; you’re free to cross the road whenever you feel like it, even if you’re not in a crosswalk. You can even do so right in front of a police officer, and they won’t be able to stop you or issue a ticket. How […]