Author Archives: spiralmode

Possessing Deceptive Identification Papers In California

Possessing Deceptive Identification Papers In California

We all go through phases when we can’t help but wish we were someone else. This usually happens when we have a bad day and wish we’d made different life choices. Normally the mood passes and we get on with our life. The problem is that some people take things too far and will go […]

Drunk Driving In A Borrowed Car

Drunk Driving In A Borrowed Car

Drunk driving is always bad, but getting caught driving while under the influence of alcohol while using a friend’s car, things become even more complicated. If you were simply pulled over, the issues associated with the fact you were in a friend’s car may be minimal. The biggest headache is that the car will likely […]

Tips For Earning A Little Extra Money This Holiday Season

Tips For Earning A Little Extra Money This Holiday Season

Times are tough right now. We could all use a little extra income, especially during the holidays. The good news is that now is a great time to explore the possibility of a side hustle that will put some extra money in your pocket. Consider Drive Share Programs If you like to drive and have […]

The Most Common Crimes That Occur During The Holidays

The Most Common Crimes That Occur During The Holidays

Most of us associate the holidays with happiness, family and love. While many of us focus on the good things during the holiday season, police departments throughout the United States will quickly tell you that crime doesn’t stop during the holidays. What members of law enforcement have noticed is that certain types of crimes seem […]

Driving Without Auto Insurance In California

Driving Without Auto Insurance In California

It’s expected that if you’re going to own and operate a vehicle in California, it’s properly insured. The amount of insurance you have that covers your own car is usually left up to you, but the state requires that you at least carry limited liability insurance so anyone else who is involved in the accident […]

Money Saving Tips For The Holidays

Money Saving Tips For The Holidays

All the signs point to us being poised on the brink of a recession. Between inflation and the outrageously high price of fuel, most of us are looking at the holidays and wondering if there is any way we can save a little money yet still enjoy the holiday season. The good news is that […]

The Consequences Of Lewd Conduct In California

The Consequences Of Lewd Conduct In California

There are some things you know you’re not supposed to do while in public. These things include touching your own or someone else’s genitals while in public for sexual gratification while you’re in a public space. This type of behavior is considered lewd. What you may not know is that only is engaging in lewd […]

Invasion Of Privacy In California

Invasion Of Privacy In California

As social media becomes an even bigger presence in people’s lives and as more and more people have started using their smartphones to record almost every single aspect of their lives, concerns about invasion of privacy are also growing. It’s one thing for a person to post a video of themselves on their favorite social […]

Protect Your Keyless Car From Thieves

Protect Your Keyless Car From Thieves

Keyless cars are great, particularly when you’re trying to hang onto things like multiple bags of groceries, cranky toddlers and hyper pets while you open your car. Rather than wrestling with a key and a tiny keyhole each time you need to unlock your car, all you have to do is push a button. Easy […]

The Smartest Way To Handle A Big Lotto Win

The Smartest Way To Handle A Big Lotto Win

With the Powerball jackpot soaring to over a billion dollars recently, people are stocking up on tickets. Even people who have never played the lotto before are purchasing a ticket and daydreaming about what they will do if they strike it big. Since there is always a chance that you could win, dedicating a few […]

Proposition 47

Proposition 47

The purpose of the proposed Proposition 47 is to make some changes to felony sentencing laws. Proposition 47 officially became a law in 2014. At the time it had the distinction of being one of the biggest changes to laws to alter the ability for convicted felons to receive housing, admittance into the workforce and […]

Transporting A Gun Into California

Transporting A Gun Into California

Few states have gun laws that are stricter than California’s. California residents who wish to purchase a gun already know that California Penal Code §§ 28050, 30605 requires them to go through a licensed firearm dealer whenever they wish to purchase a gun. But what if you’re moving to California and already own a gun? […]

Reckless Homicide In California

Reckless Homicide In California

Some states have a charge that they call reckless homicide. Cases involving reckless homicide involve situations where a person’s death was attributed to either the defendant behaving in a reckless or negligent fashion or because they failed to act in a reasonable manner which led to the death of another person. When you go through […]

Sentence And Punishment For Burglary

Sentence And Punishment For Burglary

Getting arrested for burglary is no laughing matter. The first thing you have to understand is that the sentence and punishment for burglary in California vary from one person to the next. Why? Because burglary is one of California’s wobbler offenses which means that certain details of the burglary determine if you’ll be charged with […]

Proposition 57

Proposition 57

Traditionally, whenever a law or proposition is proposed that involves crime, it’s a move to actually create stricter laws and penalties. This is especially true when it comes to violent crimes and repeat offenders. In many cases, when you research the reasoning behind the proposal, you’ll discover that crime rates have been steadily increasing and […]