Author Archives: spiralmode

Sometimes Even The Police Need Help

Sometimes Even The Police Need Help

When it comes to solving crimes, everyone trusts that the local law enforcement agencies will take care of it. After all, that is their job. They find the clues to track down the criminals and keep everyone safe. They do this on a daily basis. In fact, they do their jobs so well that many […]

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The Legal Ins And Outs Of Hidden Cameras

The Legal Ins And Outs Of Hidden Cameras

Hidden cameras have become a surprisingly popular thing in the United States. These days, it seems like nearly everyone has a hidden camera, frequently called a nanny cam, tucked into their house. The question is: are nanny cams legal. The answer isn’t as black and white as you may think. There are laws governing the […]

Fake Bomb Threats, Real Consequences

Fake Bomb Threats, Real Consequences

Most people realize that knowingly reporting a false crime is against the law. Doing so wastes law enforcement time and resources. It is the equivalent of sending police officers on a wild goose chase. Anyone who knowingly reports a false crime can face criminal charges, which can vary dependent on the circumstances. Recently, a woman […]

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Can You Drive While High?

Can You Drive While High?

At the start of 2018, California made it legal for marijuana to be sold from licensed dispensaries. This allowed people to consume marijuana recreationally, much in the same way that alcohol is allowed to be used. While this excited many people, some failed to realize some of the implications of the new law. The biggest […]

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