Money-Saving Tips

Bail Bonds in Glen Frazer

Saving money is always a good idea, no matter what you are planning to spend it on. You could be saving for a vacation, a new car, a wedding, or even the future. It never hurts to be prepared. This way, you will not be caught off guard by an ill-timed emergency such as needing […]

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New Immigration Laws Are 1 Step Closer To Passing

Bail Bonds in Martinez

Members of the United States government are one step closer to cracking down on immigration policies, particularly directed at illegal immigrants and the cities who vow to protect them. These cities are known as sanctuary cities. Across the United States, there are somewhere around 300 cities, towns, and counties that have identified themselves as a […]

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Get Out Of Jail

Bail Bonds in Martinez

Who would want to be stuck sitting behind bars? If you asked anyone, they would say that they would want to get out of jail as soon as they could if they are ever placed in one. Wouldn’t you want out of jail too? If you answered yes, you could assume that your recently arrested […]

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Unpaid Traffic Tickets Won’t Suspend Your Driver’s License

Bail Bonds in Martinez

Starting next month, Californians who do not pay their traffic tickets have one less thing to worry about: risk losing their license. There is a kind of catch 22 here because, on one hand, it means Californians who do not pay their traffic tickets can keep their license and continue to drive. On the other […]

Show Someone You Care

Contra Costa Bail Bond Store

When facing times of trouble, everyone just wants to know that someone has their back. It is comforting to know that somebody out there cares enough to help. This is especially helpful after an arrest. Nothing is more isolating than sitting in jail. This means that nothing is more uplifting than knowing that a friend […]

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Responsibilities Of Being A Parent

Bail Bond Store in Martinez

Being a parent takes an incredible amount of responsibility, including legal responsibility. Until a child turns 18 and becomes a legal adult, their parents are responsible for them in many ways. This includes needing to pay for consequences should their child get into trouble, cause problems, and/or get arrested. The parents can hold their children […]

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