Do You Know The Difference?

Martinez Bail Bonds

In the bail bond industry, there are many questions that we are asked on a daily basis. One that concerns a lot of people, is: what is better for bailing out my loved one, a bail bondsman or a bail agent? We get this question quite a lot at Martinez Bail Bond Store, so now […]

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Did You Know There Is Still Time?

Martinez Bail Bonds

Do you realize that there is still time to get your loved one out of jail in time for New Year’s Eve celebration? The bail bond process is really short and simple. With a good bail agent, like the ones you can be find at Martinez Bail Bond Store, your loved one can be released […]

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The Best Gift Yet

During the holidays, people typically budget out their spending and plan a maximum on how much to spend on one person’s gift. Unless they are outrageously rich, those maximums will not reach the thousands. Plus, they want to be fair to family and friends and not spend way more on one sibling than the other. […]

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What Is Bail And What Is A Bail Bond?

Bail bonds and bail can easily be mistaken as the same thing, especially to the many of those who do not know the legal process that well. Bail bonds and bail are related, but they are very different. Bail is the amount of money a defendant will have to owe court in order to be […]

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Your Criminal Record Is Just A Record

Having a criminal record does not mean your life is over. It means that you have made some bad mistakes in the past. The fact that you are not in prison and are living at home instead means that you handled the situation responsibly and are ready to move on. You can move on even […]

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New Gun Laws For California Once Again

Martinez Bail Bonds

California gun owners and sellers, prepare yourself for even more gun laws. Here is some of what you will need to know, and how it might change your habits: Anytime you buy ammo, you will now need to pass a background check. This will go into effect July 2019. If you travel outside of California […]

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