A lot of people out there love animals. This is why so many people own cats, dogs, and other critters. Typically, animal lovers will do whatever they can to help animals, especially those in need. It is a very admirable quality. Unfortunately, some bad people out there have figured out how to take advantage of […]
California Parole Violations
The state of California has what is known as a mandatory parole system. This means that any time a person finishes their prison sentence, they have to then be put on parole. When a person is on parole, they may be out of jail, but they have to live a restricted lifestyle. There will be […]
California Restraining Orders
Everyone just wants to feel safe. Unfortunately, some people meet someone that does not let them feel safe when they are near. In some cases, just putting some distance between that other person is enough to get them to leave the other alone. Unfortunately, not everyone can take the hint. Sometimes the person continues to […]
You Don’t Need Collateral Here
Collateral is not something that people get excited about. It adds an extra level of stress to what is already a stressful situation. Making a large financial commitment, such as posting someone’s bail, already costs a lot of money. Needing to pledge collateral only makes things worse. With collateral you have to worry about paying […]
What Is Bail?
If you’ve ever watched a crime drama before, you’ve probably heard of bail. However, even if you’ve heard of bail before, you might not have a complete understanding of what it is. After all, TV doesn’t sit there and explain it, and the only time people deal with bail in real life is when someone […]
Halloween Safety Tips
October is here, and all anyone can think about is the holiday of Halloween at the end of the month. Kids love getting dressed in fun costumes and trick-or-treating for bags full of candy. Meanwhile, adults enjoy dressing up as well, but they have parties to get to instead of wandering door to door hunting […]
California’s Stand Your Ground Laws
The last thing anyone wants is to be put in a dangerous situation where they need to defend themselves from an attacker. Unfortunately, this situation does happen on rare occasions. As if this wasn’t bad enough, there are some states in the US that don’t allow people to defend themselves with any means necessary. This […]
Legally Dealing With Coyotes And Mountain Lions
California is a very big state. The state is home to nearly 40 million people. Living alongside all of us people, are millions of animals as well. As our cities expand, they encroach on wildlife and their territory. This pushes many animals to begin looking for food amongst human settlements. When it comes to animals […]
Can You Refuse A Breathalyzer?
With all of the driving that people do every single day, it can be easy for everyone to forget that driving is a privilege, not a right. As such, there are all sorts of things that a driver has to do in order to retain their privilege of having a driver’s license. Most of these […]
You never know when you might need help with something. Due to that fact, it is always a good idea to have a plan ready for anything. One thing that nobody ever plans for, is what to do if a friend or family member gets arrested. Luckily for Californians, Bail Bonds in Concord is here […]
When it comes to handling large expenses, people like to have options. This is especially true when it comes to bail. Even the cheapest bails in California cost several thousands of dollars. This is well out of reach of the average Californian. Luckily, there is a way to not only make bailing someone out of […]
California And Earthquakes
Here in California, there are a few different types of disasters that state residents have to be prepared for. One of the big ones is earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault Line runs through most of California, with hundreds of other smaller faults lacing the state. Due to this fact, every Californian needs to be prepared […]
Evading The Police In California
A fairly common spectacle on the news, especially in Southern California, is a high speed chase. Whenever a high speed chase begins, news stations send their helicopters to follow it. This leads to thousands of people watching the pursuit with baited breath, waiting to see what will happen next and how it will all end. […]
California’s Seat Belt Laws
Every driver has seen a sign telling them and their passengers to buckle their seat belts. Most people don’t need to be reminded to buckle up. They know that wearing their seat belt is the best way to stay safe in the event of an accident. However, there are still some people out there who […]
Minors Breaking The Law
Everyone knows that kids get into trouble. Luckily, for the most part, kids tend to only get in trouble with their parents. As long as parents keep an eye on their children, and play an active role in the child’s life, the kid is less likely to wind up in serious trouble. However, that is […]