The Legal Ins And Outs Of Internet Trolling

The Legal Ins And Outs Of Internet Trolling

The internet, particularly social media sites, provide people with an opportunity to share their opinions on a variety of topics. In many cases, this leads to a lively and thought-provoking debate. At other times, it brings out internet trolls. What Is Internet Trolling? An internet troll is someone who jumps into an online conversation and […]

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Choosing A Good Bail Bond Company

Choosing A Good Bail Bond Company

When you need help covering your bail, you don’t want to deal with some fly-by-the-night bail bond company who will take your money and disappear. You want to work with a family-owned company that will help you through this difficult time. The problem is that if you have never been arrested, it’s difficult to know […]

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Need To Help Out With A Loved One’s Bail Who Is Out of State – A Transfer Bond Might Help

Need To Help Out With A Loved One's Bail Who Is Out of State - A Transfer Bond Might Help

The phone rings in the middle of the night. A loved one is on the other end of the line. They quickly explain that they’ve been arrested and need you to help them out with bail. And, oh yeah, they’re in a completely different state. While you probably want to help out, it’s also likely […]

Squatting In California

Squatting In California

There is a housing problem in California. The state has more people who need a home than there are affordable rental options available. The shortage of available housing is likely why there seems to have been an increase in “squatting” cases. What is Squatting? Squatting is a slang term that’s used to describe the practice […]

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Handling Hate Crimes In California

Handling Hate Crimes In California

Hate crimes are a far bigger problem than many people realize. Data collected by the Justice Department indicates that starting in 2013 and ending in 2017, there were approximately 55,000 gender-related hate crimes in the United States. As if the number of hate crimes wasn’t already scary enough, recent stats indicate that there is a […]

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Your Privacy And Bail Bonds

Your Privacy And Bail Bonds

One of the worse things about living in the technology age is that everyone seems to know what is going on in your life even before you do. If you’re arrested, it’s likely that everyone in your social group already knows when it happened, who was involved, what jail you’ve been taken to and what […]

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The Consequences Of Failing To Take Precautions When You Have COVID-19

The Consequences Of Failing To Take Precautions When You Have COVID-19

The words COVID, quarantine and social distancing have become a regular part of our lives recently. Most of us have taken the necessary steps to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. However, there are a few people in the world who don’t fully understand the seriousness of the situation and continue to go about […]

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Is It Legal In California To Drive With Earbuds On?

Is It Legal In California To Drive With Earbuds On?

Since Bluetooth headphones were invented, which let us do everything from answering phone calls to listening to our favorite tunes, it seems like we always have earphones inserted into our ears. It’s so easy to listen to your favorite music or audiobook while you’re getting ready to go and leave the earbuds on once you […]

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