Can Someone Be Denied Bail?

Bail is offered for most criminals but in extreme cases, a judge will deny bail altogether for a criminal deemed too dangerous and crime too horrendous. For example, a man responsible for the awful death of a young 2 year old girl in Boston was denied bail. He was the boyfriend of the girl’s mother, […]

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DUI And Bail

Driving under the influence is a serious, dangerous crime. Literally paying for the consequences can be a huge financial loss: damaged property, loss of license, medical bills for yourself or another person, lawyers, and bail. Bail alone can be several hundred to several thousand dollars for a first offense. Bail increases if it is a […]

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You Want To Know About California’s New Traffic Amnesty Program

California drivers, there’s a new program that can help you pay off outstanding tickets and still be in possession of your license. The program is identified as the California Vehicle Code 42008.8 and is a traffic ticket amnesty program. By enrolling in this program, California drivers can have their license reinstated. They sign up for […]

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