No, A Bail Bond Cannot Get Your Convicted Loved One Out Of Jail

Yes, it is true that the purpose of bail bonds is to get people out of jail. But that doesn’t include people who have already been convicted of crimes and are serving their sentences. Bail bonds are applicable for defendants who are still waiting for their trial; these defendants have not yet formally been found […]

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Fremont Bail Bond Store Can Be A Huge Help To You, But There Are Also Some Things We Cannot Do

Our team at Fremont Bail Bond Store can help bail you out of jail. We can start with a free consultation. From there, when you’re ready to move forward, we can create a personalized, low monthly rate payment plan that has zero interest and no hidden fees. We can accept various forms of payment and […]

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5 Laws You Probably Didn’t Know You’ve Broken Or Are Breaking

There are completely stupid and silly laws that you could, but probably never will, break (like herding 2,001 sheep in Hollywood) and then there are laws that you’ve probably broken multiple times by now, without even knowing it. Here are 5 of the latter which you might find surprising and interesting to read about: Connecting […]

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