Bail Bond Payments Are For Us To Worry About, Not You

Paying for a bail bond has never been easier and more seamless. These days, bail bonds are not only paid on a payment plan with low monthly rates, but most companies like Martinez Bail Bond Store also accepts various forms of payment. Cash, all major credit and debit cards, checks, collateral – whatever combination you […]

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All The Costs Of A DUI

Unless you work for the police, the DMV or a car insurance company, it’s likely you don’t know how extensive the costs can be for even a first-offense DUI point. Fines: this can be a few hundred to a thousand dollars. Bail or a bail bond: this can be a few hundred dollars. Lawyers: if […]

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Your Reaction To Hearing A Loved One Has Been Arrested

If we could insert an emoji to display your likely reaction to hearing a loved one of yours has been arrested, it would probably be the wide-eyed, eyebrows-raised and jaw-dropped shocked emoji, right? Learning of a loved one’s arrest is one of those very shocking moments where there really is no most appropriate or standard […]

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6 Reasons To Choose San Pablo Bail Bond Store

24/7 service to all of California Personalized, low-monthly rate payment plans Free consultations Various forms of payment accepted (cash, checks, credit and debit, collateral) Quick and confidential service Licensed, experienced, truly compassionate bail agents willing to go above and beyond to help These are 6 reasons you need to choose San Pablo Bail Bond Store […]

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Guns, Bail And Jail

California holds the nation’s strictest gun laws. Most assault weapons are illegal to sell, purchase and own, including the ones where the ammunition magazine can be reloaded over again. However, there is one that is just as deadly, yet legal, to own: a gun with bullet button. It takes a tool like a pen in […]

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California Gun Laws

The debate over gun laws and control will never be changed so that everyone is satisfied with the results. This is one of those sensitive issues. 14 people were killed and another 21 were left injured at a San Bernardino, CA holiday party just recently. This was the nation’s deadliest mass shooting since Sandy Hook […]

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