Lying Always Gets You In Trouble

Lying to the police and making a false report is a crime. Making a mistake by telling the police one thing, then remembering it’s another thing, is different and not a crime. For example, describing the getaway car as red when you definitely know it was white is lying and thus committing a crime. But […]

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Your Arrest – Not A Reflection Of The Content Of Your Character

Sooner or later, people are going to find out about your arrest. Immediately when it happens, you’ll of course notify the people most important to you who can help you handle the situation. You’ll probably have to let your employer know, especially if you are going to miss some days. From there, people will talk […]

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Real People At Martinez Bail Bond Store – Real Help

Martinez Bail Bond Store agents are the smartest and most caring people in the bail bonds industry. Not motivated by paychecks but rather knowing they are helping make lives happier and better, Martinez Bail Bond Store agents will not let you down during this stressful time. They agents are your everyday people. The bondsman you […]

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How Bail Is Determined

In the justice system, there is a “bail schedule” that outlines the bail price for each crime. This is the overarching book that the judge must follow, but he or she may also adjust the price as they see fit. For example, if this is a fourth offense, the judge may hike the bail a […]

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