Emeryville Bail Bond Store Accepts Tax Returns As Payment

Bail bonds through Emeryville Bail Bond Store are flexible and affordable. We customize payment plans as much as we can according to each client’s situation and accept a range of payment options like cash, credit and debit, checks, collateral and even tax returns – which in reality would be converted into cash, credit or debit […]

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Admitting You’ve Been Arrested

Admitting to something so serious like getting arrested can be very hard to do but once you get it over with, you’ll find your uphill climb to be much easier. No matter what the crime you committed was, you always know there are certain people you can talk to openly. This revelation to them likely […]

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Even More Hoverboard Laws

Hoverboard laws are continuing to get stricter. In January, a number of hoverboard laws in California began: riders had to be at least 16 and wear a helmet, for example. They could ride on sidewalks or streets where the posted speed limit was no more than 35 miles per hour. These are state-wide laws. Individual […]

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An Example Of A False Report

It’s not very surprising, but instead disappointing, that there are people in prison who have been wrongly convicted of a crime. The person could be in prison because investigators were lazy, the jury was lazy or racist or sexist, the technology to test DNA and evidence was not as precise and accurate as it is […]

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The Weirdest California Laws

Here are the weirdest laws in California so far: You cannot play with a frisbee at any Los Angeles beaches unless you get the lifeguard’s “okay.” Women may not drive while wearing a house coat. No vehicle without a driver can go more than 60 miles per hour. Animals may not mate in public if […]

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