Author Archives: spiralmode

Avoid Hidden Fees By Coming To Us For Bail Help

Avoid Hidden Fees By Coming To Us For Bail Help

For the most part, surprises are nice and enjoyable. However, there are some surprises that most people would rather avoid. A perfect example of this would be a friend or family member getting arrested. As if that wasn’t bad enough on its own, some bail bond companies make things worse by adding hidden fees into […]

Can You Make Bail Cheaper?

Can You Make Bail Cheaper?

Everyone wants to help out their loved ones when they get into a bit of trouble. Unfortunately, some problems can be too big for some people to handle. This is how many people view bail. The average cost of bail here in California is several thousands of dollars. That is more than most people can […]

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How To Prepare To Deal With Bail

How To Prepare To Deal With Bail

Most people have never dealt with bail before because no one they know ever got arrested. With thousands of people getting arrested every single day in California, chances are someone that you know will get arrested at some point. If that ever happens, you want to be prepared. After all, the faster you deal with […]

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You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

When people spend a lot of time together, they will inevitably upset one another. It is only natural. What is not okay is when someone upsets another person and then begin hurting them for it. While some people doesn’t stoop down to this level, there are some people out there who does. Thanks to the […]

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Can You Drive While High In California?

Can You Drive While High In California?

Four years ago in 2016, Californian voters chose to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by passing Proposition 64. After the passing of this proposition, the state worked on creating new laws to regulate marijuana usage. These laws were then enacted over the next few years to give people time to adjust and prepare. While […]

Do You Know What Co-Signers Are?

Do You Know What Co-Signers Are?

When people are dealing with bail for the first time, many are facing a lot of unknowns. One unknown that can confuse people is the concept of co-signers. This isn’t a term people use daily, so what does it mean? When it comes to posting bail with a bail bond, there is a contract that […]

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How Do You Get A Good Deal On Bail?

How Do You Get A Good Deal On Bail?

When you find out that a loved one has been arrested, you want to get him or her out of jail. Unfortunately, bail is very expensive here in California, costing several thousands of dollars on average. Despite their best attempts, most people can’t afford to post bail on their own. Luckily for you, Bail Bonds […]

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Mail Theft Laws In The US

Mail Theft Laws In The US

As people are forced to stay within their homes, many previously easy tasks have become a little more difficult and stressful. For instance, going grocery shopping is now a much bigger chore than it was a few months ago. One particular task that remains completely unchanged for some, and more difficult for others, is going […]

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