Author Archives: spiralmode

Prison And Jail Are Not The Same Thing, Exactly

You probably think that prison and jail are interchangeable terms that both apply to the same place: where convicts must stay behind bars for a crime they committed. While you are somewhat correct in this, the two terms actually apply to separate institutions that are built for different people in different points of situations. Think […]

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Knowing Your Rights For Bail And Jail

When someone is arrested, they don’t always know their rights, nor are they confident about them. This leaves them vulnerable and subject, for the police, the prosecutors, and the court. To avoid being taken advantage of and punished more than a person should be, they should know these rights: A person is innocent until proven […]

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Some Schools Begin Soon – Are You Prepared To Send Your Child Off?

Some California schools are just weeks away from welcoming its students back for the new school year, including colleges. That means many parents are sending their child(ren) off again, probably without seeing them until Thanksgiving. They’ll be taking classes, but also living with their friends, going to parties, staying up very late, and probably doing […]

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