Author Archives: spiralmode

Martinez Bail Bond Store Makes Bail Easier And More Affordable

Martinez Bail Bonds

For easy, affordable bail help, call 925-231-2257 You probably think that bailing someone out of jail is difficult to do, especially since it means letting a possible criminal out in public. Yes, bailing out of jail can be difficult and challenging, but only if you do not know the best way to do this. For […]

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Detention And Arrest Are Different

Martinez Bail Bonds

Detention in school was simply staying late one day, and sitting in room with a handful of other students, and a teacher, either doing homework or nothing at all. Detention outside of school, when you are an adult, is not quite the same. This is when you are briefly stopped by the police and/or taken […]

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Probable Cause vs. Reasonable Suspicion

Martinez Bail Bonds

To you, probable cause and reasonable suspicion sound like they mean the same thing. However, to Martinez Bail Bond Store, the police, and the court, these have different, though similar, meanings. REASONABLE SUSPICION: Reasonable assumption that a crime has taken place, is taking place, or will take place, based on a police officer’s professional training […]

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Before You Hit Publish

Martinez Bail Bonds

Need bail help you can rely on? Call 925-231-2257 Social media has taken over life, and it is now just as important to be cautious of what you post on there for the sake of legal issues, as it is for the sake of ending up in your employer’s eyes. Everyone can watch you: friends, […]

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Martinez Bail Bond Store: The Best Of The Best

Martinez Bail Bonds

For the best bail bond service, call 925-231-2257 Even among hundreds of other bail bond companies in California, more people are choosing the company of Martinez Bail Bond Store to bail their loved ones out of jail. Even among hundreds of other bail bond companies in California, including many which have been in business longer, […]

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