Monthly Archives: December 2017

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

It is that time of year where people begin to form a list of promises they want to make to themselves. New Year’s Resolutions are positive and uplifting to some, while they are a joke to others. According Nielsen and Newswire, the top ten New Year’s Resolutions are: Stay fit and healthy Lose weight Enjoy […]

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More Checkpoints Around Holidays

More Checkpoints Around Holidays

DUI Checkpoints can be intimidating to people, even when they have done nothing wrong. When it comes to DUI checkpoints, the only people who need to worry are the ones who were drinking before they got behind the wheel of their vehicle. These checkpoints increase in frequency around holidays, especially ones that involve a lot […]

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Stay Safe While Shopping

Stay Safe While Shopping

During the holiday season, everyone spends quite a bit of time shopping. They have to find the perfect gifts for their friends and family members. Some people take to online shopping, while others flock to brick and mortar stores. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Thieves love the holiday season because more and more people […]

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DUI Checkpoints And Holidays

DUI Checkpoints And Holidays

Whenever holidays roll around, especially big ones that involve parties and drinking, you can expect to see an increase in DUI checkpoints. These checkpoints help police officers discover drunk drivers before they have a chance to cause any accidents. The checkpoints increase around holidays because officers know that people are more likely to drink during […]

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