Let Berkeley Bail Bond Store Alleviate Some Of Your Stress

Berkeley Bail Bond Store

Some bail bond companies like to make the bail bond process difficult and confusing so that it is easier for them to trick their clients into paying more. Bail bond companies like that should be avoided at all costs. Do not let other bail bond companies take advantage of you; instead, spend your time with a trustworthy bail agents from Berkeley Bail Bond Store.

We are a statewide, family-owned bail bond company that has been helping Californians rescue their loved one from jail since 1987. As a family-owned company, you can trust that we will take care of you and your loved one in your time of need. We have offices all across the state, so no matter where you are in California, there will always be a local bail agent close by and ready to help. With our bail agents available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can get ahold of one wherever and whenever you need them.

Call Berkeley Bail Bond Store now at 925-231-2257 to get the bail  help you deserve.

Unlike our competitors who will use your confusion as the perfect opportunity to spring hidden fees on you, we at Berkeley Bail Bond Store will help you find a way to make bail bonds cost fit your financial budget. We will help you create a customized payment plan and breakdown the large cost of the bail amount into smaller, more manageable monthly payments. We do not want to add to your confusion during this stressful situation, we want to alleviate some of it.

At Berkeley Bail Bond Store, we take care of our clients. We start working for you as soon as you call and we do not stop until your loved one has been released from jail. Our skilled and caring bail agents will be your guide through this difficult time.

Don’t waste your time with other bail bond  companies, call Berkeley Bail Bond Store for real bail  help at 925-231-2257.

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